What is Girl Scouts?
Girl Scouts is more than an activity—it’s a Movement dedicated to building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
Why do girls love being Girl Scouts?
Girl Scouts is a way of life that brings out the best in your girl, even in the most challenging of times. While they’re learning about STEM, the outdoors, entrepreneurship, and important life skills, Girl Scouts are also discovering new ways to make their family and community stronger, kinder, and better for everyone.
How does it work? What’s a “troop”?
Groups of Girl Scouts, called troops, typically meet weekly or every other week for an hour or two. Guided by adult volunteers, troop members choose the hands-on activities and projects that excite them, try new things, and cheer each other on. Together, they earn badges to reflect their successes and show the world what they’re made of.
What’s the goal?
Making sure girls are given the opportunity to reach their full potential by developing values and skills that will lead them to happier lives.
When can I get started?
If your girl is ready to let her best self shine and start creating the world she wants to see, she’s ready to be a Girl Scout today. A Girl Scout membership is $25—plus any applicable council fees. A Girl Scout membership year starts on October 1 and lasts until September 30 of the following year, but you can get started early by joining or renewing your membership in April each year. Find your local Girl Scout council and get started today.
What is the minimum age/grade for joining Girl Scouts?
Girl Scouts must be at least five-years-old and in kindergarten to join. Girl Scouts runs through 12th grade. You can join at any age or grade.
What is the cost of a Girl Scout membership?
The annual cost of a membership with Girl Scouts is $25.
Besides the membership fee, what other costs should I budget for?
Additional costs may include uniforms ; handbooks with badgework ; and/or events, such as badge workshops or camping weekends.
What materials will my Girl Scout need to get started?
It is suggested that every Girl Scout has a sash or vest, a membership pin, and their troop numbers. My Girl Scout Kits , available at girlscoutshop.com or your local Girl Scout shop , are a great way to grab everything you need.
Am I required to register as a volunteer for my Girl Scout to participate?
Registering as a volunteer is not required but is highly encouraged. Many Girl Scouts share that a highlight of their experience is being able to spend more time with a parent or caregiver.
What is a troop and is it required?
A troop is a group of Girl Scouts, usually from the same school or neighborhood, who gather regularly to participate in Girl Scouting together. They might choose to earn badges together, complete community service projects , or go on camping trips . Troops are girl-led with volunteer support.
Troops are a great way to meet other youth but are not required to participate in Girl Scouting. If your Girl Scout prefers an independent experience, you can learn more about individually registered members.
How often do troops meet?
Troop meeting frequency depends on what the troop agrees on, the availability of their meeting space, and the availability of the volunteer troop leaders and parents. On average, troops meet every other week for 90 minutes.
Some troops choose to meet only during the school year, but Girl Scouting is a year-round experience and troops are encouraged to continue meeting over the summer months.
What kind of activities will my Girl Scout participate in?
Girl Scouts earn badges that will teach them about the different mediums an artist can work with, what it takes to become a scientist, or how to advocate for changes to make their community better. They go on outdoor adventures, learn to sail, and give rock climbing a go. They form friendships that last a lifetime. And they do all this while making the world a brighter place.